Saturday, 21 November 2009
Sunday, 15 November 2009
PRP - Book Research
Friday, 13 November 2009
PRP - Getting Books
Thursday, 12 November 2009
"Fish Film" - Final Feedback
The Fish Society fillets a halibut:
- 2 seconds off the title
- 0.21-0.29
- 0.36-0.42
- 1.15-1.35
- 1.51-1.55
- 3.23-3.43
- 3.57-4.05
- 4.15-4.36
- 5.02-5.13/14
- 5.50-6.02
To change the name of "How to fillet a skate wing" to "The Fish Society trims a skate wing"
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Simmulated Project Practice Shoot
- 1 X SONY HDV Camcorder
- 1 X Boom Mic. + Cable
- 1 X Large Tripod
and my actors and crew had said that they were up for filming, I thought I may as well do a practice shoot. I had some issues whilst filming that I couldn't get the shots that I originally planned as the room was smaller than I had anticipated and made it hard to get certain angles.
I captured it and then watched through the footage. It was far too dark although it had looked fine through the camera. There was not enough shot variety as I couldn't get all the shots i had planned. The shots i had got all took slightly longer than i had thought they would as well, and slightly longer in a 20 second piece makes a huge difference!
Monday, 9 November 2009
Simmulated Project Health and Safety form
(I shall scan these in soon)
Simulated Project My Acting Experience
Sunday, 8 November 2009
My Nana's 90th Birthday
(I haven't had time to edit it yet but shall post it up when I have.)
Thursday, 5 November 2009
PRP - Research
I then spoke to a mate who is also on my course Joe Stratton who told me about Google Scholar which is a website that shows full literature works in a variety of different publishing formats. I managed to find more published articles but still it took me far too long to get what I wanted out of them.
These are the main sources I found:
The Directors Template: 180 degree axis rule and coverage. Kuleshov effect
The Kubrick Corner The Kuleshov effect
Times Higher Education 'MTV generation learns through fun'
EastGate span of attention
The 'Grammar' of Television and Film
Journal Article Excerpt:Scott Bukatman. Matters of Gravity: Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th Century Journal article by Oscar R. Marti; Utopian Studies, Vol. 16, 2005 Special effects – changes perception of viewers;jsessionid=KmrYxww6Lv0gnqqxNnSml5QKvmntS68BTQxfr0vpfGs7dryT2TTJ!568259201!-950397748?docId=5009651178
The Effects of edits on arousal, attention, and memory for television messages: When an edit is an edit can an edit be to much?
Times Higher Education 'MTV generation learns through fun'
Eastgate Span of attention
Addressing diverse learning styles through the use of multimedia Atlanta, GA, USA November 01-November 04 ISBN: 0-7803-3022-6
Carol A. Bodensteiner’s paper on “Predicting Public and Media Attention Span for Social Issues” found at:
Monday, 2 November 2009
PRP - First Presentation
Title Slide
Research Question:
•Have more recent delivery methods and techniques of audiovisual work changed the perception of the viewer?
Research Topic:
•Decrease in attention span – development, style of editing.
•Compare new to old practitioners – Kuleshov “relationship” editing -Stanley Kubrick
•Delivery Methods – Old to New
•Increase in broadband – more downloads – increase in uploads
•Look at – Contexts and styles
•Upload sites, Film Festivals,
• Test “MTV generation” to older generation.
•Carol A. Bodensteiner, 1996. [online]. Journal. Available at: [Accessed 24/10/2009 2009].
•Eastgate: span of attention [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 24/10/2009 2009].
•The Kuleshov effect [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 24/10/2009 2009].
Simulated Project Proposal Presentation
Title slide
•Want to get into film industry.
Initial Research:
Pirate Bay
•sentenced one year jail, £3 million damages entertainment industries
•7% Sweden vote
•13% Germany first time male voters (BBC, 19/10/09)
Why, What
•Copyright, Designs Patent ACT 1988 (IPO, 2009)
•14 to 24-year-olds happy hardrives (Times Online, 2008)
•Up to $150,00 £90,656
•Jack Black:
Light hearted/ abrupt change that changes the mood / feel.
•THINK! “Drug Eyes”:
(See "FrameForge" post)
•Two guys in a room.
•Clothes: Tidy – scruffy
•Swap hard drive
•Blue Lights, Jail door
•Voice Over – “Don’t want the fine, Don’t do the crime, downloading copyrighted material is illegal.”
Location Stills:
(See "Proposal" post)
(See "Proposal" post)
Schedule continued
•BBC, 17/04/09. NEWS Technology Court jails Pirate Bay founders [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
•BBC, 19/10/09. NEWS Entertainment Pirate Party hopes for free future [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
•IPO, 2009 – Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
•Sulair, 2004. File-Sharing: Beware of the Consequences [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
•Times Online, 2008 - Average teenager's iPod has 800 illegal music tracks [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Simulated Project Proposal
I am undertaking a third year NTU project in which we have to create a 20 second T.V. advert which explains what file sharing is, when and why it is illegal and also the consequences of file sharing. It is for a public information campaign run by the Copyright Protection Society.
As I want to get into the film industry I feel quite strongly about file sharing. This is due to the fact that so many people do it. As it may affect money I could be getting in the future. Since I have started this course I have stopped downloading films and have bought a lot.
This document shall be split into three main parts. The background and context which will explain the background research I did and how it influenced my project designs and plans. The project designs and justifications are the second section which will include my final product designs including some of my shots from frame forge and my location shots. I will then explain why the designs are appropriate for the project and what way they fulfil the brief. The third part is the project schedule where I shall out lay what I plan on doing and when I’ve planned to do things by, and why I have organised my schedule like this.
Background and context:
I started my research by looking up information on the recent case of Pirate Bay. I read two BBC news articles that I found online, each at a different stage of the Pirate Bay court case. One of the most relevant parts to this project, was that the four administrators were sentenced to one year in jail and £3 million in damages to a variety of entertainment industries (BBC, 17/04/09). This gives a starting point to finding out about the consequences of file sharing it also shows how damaging it is to the industry. The BBC also had an article on the “Pirate Party” and I was amazed by the face that, “…the Swedish Pirate Party attracted 7% of the Swedish vote in June's European election… In the German general election last month, the German Pirate Party won the support of 13% of first-time male voters” (BBC, 19/10/09). This shows the increase in file sharing and it even continued to say how the founder of the pirate party Mr. Falkvinge said "We are talking about being the largest party for the next generation of voters." and that he proposes “to make file-sharing not only legal but actively encouraged.” (ibid). This gave me even more of a motive to try and create a good advert and I decided my target audience would be people from around fifteen to twenty-five.
I then decided to find out exactly what part of file sharing is illegal and why and what are the consequences. I found the answer to what and why it is illegal in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (Gov, 1988) (Appendix 1) which outlined the different cases of copyright infringement. I then found that for every copyrighted file you can get a fine of up to $150,000 which is about £90,656 (Sulair, 2004). I also came across a Times Online article which said that “…research also showed that half of 14 to 24-year-olds were happy to share all the music on their hard drive…” (Times Online, 2008) which made me want to do a advert showing this as I know a lot of people that do this, it also strengthened my reasoning’s for my target audience age.
Now knowing all that I needed to fulfill the brief I had a look at some ads on YouTube to get influences. After looking at a lot of different adverts some good and some bad I decided that I wanted to try and make it humorous as I found that funnier ads were more affective, such as a Piracy add which had Jack Black standing there listing off bizarre, over exaggerated reasons of why you shouldn’t download music or films (STUMMPY34, 2009) and an Ipod Shuffle ad in which you can see the top half of a girl in what you presume to be a bathroom holding a white stick looking at it and turning it around trying to see if she is pregnant, a man then walks in and she says “I cant tell if its positive or negative” he then says “Its an Ipod shuffle” it then fades to a white screen with black writing saying “Ipod Shuffle good for music” and fades back to the guy saying “it’s a boy” the girl then screams in joy and gives him a hug (YouTube, 2007). This made me want to create a comedy advert. Finally, I also found adverts that start off light hearted or funny and then change abruptly to something serious, such as a THINK! “Drug Drive” ad which starts out with three guys and a girl in a car driving talking and joking about their night, when they see a police car and try to act normally you see the police drive past then some blue flashes and a siren. There is then a voice over saying the fact that drugs affect your eyes, how the police pick up on this and the consequences for being caught (YouTube, 2009). With all these in mind I started brainstorming ideas.
Project Designs and Justifications:
Taking in that it has to be very short and so needs to be quite simple I decided on a final advert that included all the things that I wanted after doing my research. I wrote the script (Appendix 2) which starts in a bedroom with two 21 year old guys played by Chase Martini and Terrance Nabbs sitting next to a computer. One is wearing tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie and the other will wear jeans and a collared t-shirt to show that it’s not any specific type of people that are file sharing. There will be a skull and cross bones flag behind the computer screens to add a bit of comedy value and to keep the viewer reminded that it is piracy. Chase asks for some downloaded items off Terrance’s hard drive, they then joke about the it being illegal, they then hear a police siren and a policeman bangs through the door saying “do you have the rights?”, it will then fade to a black screen and you then will hear a sound of a jail door closing and white block writing will come up saying “……………………………………………..” I feel this covers all the issues that need to be covered to fulfill the brief. It talks about where file sharing can be illegal and is increasing seen on my research which is by friends sharing hard drives and copying thousands of songs, and lots of films in about 10 minutes. It tells you that file sharing is illegal when the material is copyrighted through the policeman’s dialogue and the consequences from where Chase says “you can get such a heavy fine for just doing this!”. The scene can be visualized from the FrameForge I have created:
Shot 1: (MS) Cut - Bedroom with 2 chars sitting in a room. It’s a static shot, with Chase saying “Hey bro”. It will be about 2 secs long. There will only be the ambient sound ch1 and the dialogue ch2

(Figure 2)
Shot 3: (CU) Cut -, Terrance says “Ye man.”. Terrance leans down to a bag on the floor. Camera follows Terrance and pans down to left on to the bag

(Figure 3)
Shot 4: (CU) Pan Camera stops on the bag and Terrance takes a hard drive out whilst saying “There on the hard drive.”

(Figure 4)
Shot 5: (MS) Cut – Terrance gives the hard drive to chase. This is a static shot. Chase says “Cheers Mate” and turns to the screen.

Shot 6: (CU) Cutaway – During this there will be a cutaway to the hard-drive being handed over.

(Figure 6)
Shot 7: (CU) Cut – Point of view shot looking at the computer screen as Chase says “its crazy… doing this!”. It will show the files transferring to the computer.

Shot 8: (CU) Cut – Close up of Terrance as he says “Haha ye…gets caught?” and puts on a sly smirk at which point the room starts flickering in blue light. The sound now changes from the quite and you hear a police siren and a jail door slam close.

I was not able to put them in the desired clothes as there was only a small selection on the program, but I tried to get them as close as possible. I have also taken some location shots (Appendix 3) to help see the layout and space in the room.
Project Schedule:
1 day
1 day
1 day
3 days
1 day
1 day
With the two main deadlines set for us, to submit the proposal on the 30.10.09 with a formal oral presentation, and secondly to submit an agreed advert presented with user instructions 27.11.09. From these I decided to manage
my time in the form of a chart (Appendix 4). I set my schedule
like this as I know I am slow at
writing and so gave myself the
following amount of time for the
pre-production work:
(Figure 9)
1 day
Review Footage
1/2 day
Capture Footage
1/2 day
5 days
Master Edit
2 days
The filming will only take a day’s
work and the same to review and
capture the footage. I have
given my self a lot of time to
then perfect the edit as things
always go wrong and it is a time
taking process. (Figure 10)
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. (Section 16, p.31)
The acts restricted by copyright
16 The acts restricted by copyright in a work
(1) 16 The owner of the copyright in a work has, in accordance with the
following provisions of this Chapter, the exclusive right to do the following
acts in the United Kingdom B
(a) to copy the work (see section 17);
(b) to issue copies of the work to the public (see section 18);
(ba) to rent or lend the work to the public (see section 18A);
(c) to perform, show or play the work in public (see section 19);
(d) to communicate the work to the public (see section 20);
(e) to make an adaptation of the work or do any of the above in relation
to an adaptation (see section 21);
and those acts are referred to in this Part as the "acts restricted by the
(2) Copyright in a work is infringed by a person who without the licence of the
copyright owner does, or authorises another to do, any of the acts
restricted by the copyright.
(3) References in this Part to the doing of an act restricted by the copyright in
a work are to the doing of it B
(a) in relation to the work as a whole or any substantial part of it, and
(b) either directly or indirectly;
and it is immaterial whether any intervening acts themselves infringe
(4) This Chapter has effect subject to B
(a) the provisions of Chapter III (acts permitted in relation to copyright
works), and
(b) the provisions of Chapter VII (provisions with respect to copyright
Two 21 year olds are sitting in a room next to a computer.
Chase – Hey bro,
Terrance looks at Chase.
Chase - Have you got the music, games, videos and that version of adobe you downloaded?
Terrance – Ye man,
Terrance takes an ext. hard drive out of his bag.
Terrance – There on the hard drive.
Chase – Cheers mate, its crazy to think you can get such a heavy fine for just doing this!
Terrance – Haha ye its pathetic but who ever gets caught!?
Police Sirens are heard in the background and then you hear a jail door slam close and the frame freezes on Chase’s face.
Voice Over – Don’t want the fine, Don’t do the crime, downloading copyrighted material is illegal.
Appendix 3 – Location Stills
Appendix 4
1 day
1 day
1 day
3 days
1 day
1 day
1 day
Review Footage
½ day
Capture Footage
½ day
5 days
Master Edit
2 days
Figure 1 – 8: Shot 1 to 8 of the FrameForge I created.
Figure 9 – 10: My overall Time Plan
BBC, 19/10/09. NEWS Entertainment Pirate Party hopes for free future [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
BBC, 17/04/09. NEWS Technology Court jails Pirate Bay founders [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
BBC, 03/03/09. NEWS Technology Pirate Bay awaits court verdict [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
IPO, 2009 – Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
Sulair, 2004. File-Sharing: Beware of the Consequences [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
STUMMPY34, 2009. Jack Black Videos Related to 'TENACIOUS D - Jack Black on Piracy', [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 19/10/2009 2009].
storyboards [online]. . Available at: Resource/ [Accessed 31/10/2009 2009].
Times Online, 2008 - Average teenager's iPod has 800 illegal music tracks [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
YouTube - Blonde Girl Pregnancy Test - Funny Ad [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 19/10/2009 2009].
YouTube - Drug Drive TV ad 'Eyes' [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 19/10/2009 2009].
BBC, 19/10/09. NEWS Entertainment Pirate Party hopes for free future [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
BBC, 17/04/09. NEWS Technology Court jails Pirate Bay founders [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
BBC, 03/03/09. NEWS Technology Pirate Bay awaits court verdict [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
Gov., 1988 – Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. (Section 16 p. 31) [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
STUMMPY34, 2009. Jack Black Videos Related to 'TENACIOUS D - Jack Black on Piracy', [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 19/10/2009 2009].
Times Online, 2008 - Average teenager's iPod has 800 illegal music tracks [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 15/10/2009 2009].
YouTube - Blonde Girl Pregnancy Test - Funny Ad [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 19/10/2009 2009].
YouTube - Drug Drive TV ad 'Eyes' [online]. . Available at: [Accessed 19/10/2009 2009].
Friday, 30 October 2009
Simulated Project Proposal
I spent these days working on my proposal. This consisted of writing the main body of the text, creating a Frame Forge story board and making a schedule. I took it to Debs on the 30th who gave me feedback.
- Try and shorten a lot of my sections down (such as when I had talked about 3 BBC articles.
- Take out the web links and reference the websites I talk about
- Don't talk about any other ideas I thought of
- Put the storyboards into the main text and write down exactly what is happening in each shot
- To change the ending so that the police don't come in and to stop the last frame on one of their faces and have a voice over saying something against piracy
- To change my FrameForge to correspond to the new ad and to ad shot variety
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Simulated Project Frame Forge
Monday, 26 October 2009
PRP - Agreement form second draft
What is your PRP research question?
Has the attention span of the audience changed the more recent delivery methods and techniques of audiovisual work?
What is your PRP research topic?
I plan to research the history of people’s habits in a sense of a film. I then shall look at whether more recent delivery methods and techniques of audiovisual work have changed from the decrease in the viewer’s attention span. With the supposed decrease of viewer’s attention spans seen at: there must be some effect on the more recent delivery methods and techniques of audiovisual work. To find out whether this is true I shall look at different techniques used by modern day practitions and compare them to older practitioners, for example Lev Kuleshov’s theory of “relationship” editing and see how the old theory has been adapted and used in more modern practitioners work such as Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” and “2001: A Space Odyssey” in the computer HAL and how the different techniques have changed the perception of the viewer. I shall also look for papers that are linked with this problem like Carol A. Bodensteiner’s paper on “Predicting Public and Media Attention Span for Social Issues” found at:
There are so many different ways of delivering multimedia work now, from DVDs and CDs to the Internet which has probably impacted the delivery methods the most. The increase in the use of the internet and high speed internet connections in households has meant a huge increase of audiovisual work being uploaded onto the internet. From the internet there are then a variety of ways to deliver the work such as downloading films or music videos on to your computer or mobile or from streaming audiovisual work through sites such as YouTube. I shall look at a variety of contexts and different styles of audiences and see how the delivery methods have changed the viewers perception. These will range from work on internet sites where anyone can upload their videos on to, such as YouTube to film festivals and audiovisual exhibitions where the work will be from practitioners. I will find how these different styles of delivery will impact the audience’s perception. I think they will alter as people viewing mainstream based programming such as at film festivals, are more likely to have a greater knowledge in the subject, and understand what a film maker is trying to say when using different techniques. This is compared to someone using social based programming such as watching a video on YouTube who may have not much or no interest in film. To try and find out if the delivery methods have changed the viewers perception I shall collect my own data by carrying out tests on people from the younger “MTV generation” and people from the older generations by showing them very short video clips and show them larger video clips and seeing how their perceptions on the film change, and research more into the subject by reading books and searching for papers on related topics and see if there is a change in attention span.
PRP - Agreement form Feedback
What is your PRP research question?
- Perhaps- Has the viewers perception/audiovisual grammar changed or developed over time.? What are the effects of current edit production techniques and programming upon the viewer in terms of the audiovisual communication?
What is your PRP research topic?
- If you are looking at how it has changed where is the information about comparing the two coming from? Are you testing this on young and older people? I suggest that the attention span of youth is shortening and this could be a contributing factor to the development and style of editing. There may be others but here you compare. I think that you could carry out some of your own data gathering methods here.
You should be more precise about where you are getting your info for research. Perhaps you look at mainstream and social based programming. It may also include more than the edit and look at issues such as frame size, fidelity, resolution and colour.
i.e.have current delivery methods and techniques changed the perception of the viewer. This wider subject may give you more to discuss than merely the edit only.
Kuleshov was such a long time ago has there been any advancement since he introduced “relationship” editing as you describe.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
PRP - Agreement form
Complete this form through consultation with your project supervisor. Use it as a tool for further elaborating your research direction. Fill it out electronically then print it off and get it signed by your supervisor before handing it in to the Multimedia Programme administration office in Week 14 (27/10/2009 Wav128).
What is your PRP research question?
Have current delivery methods and techniques have changed the perception of the viewer?
What is your PRP research topic?
I plan to research whether current delivery methods and techniques have changed the perception of the viewer. The film industry is growing and different software is being developed allowing the film makers to use more advanced special effects and have the ability to create more surreal plots. Thus the viewers are more accepting to different scenarios. There has also been an increase in popularity of three styles of audiovisual which are sitcoms, music videos, and sound bites. The rise of these styles has resulted in a lot of critics saying that these styles are “debased by their brevity” and has decreased viewer’s attention spans. The supposed decrease of viewer’s attention spans could be affecting the development and style of editing for current work being produced. The increase in internet and high speed internet connections in households has changed the delivery methods of media drastically, with a huge increase of audiovisual work being uploaded onto the internet. I shall look at different multimedia contexts and a variety of different styles of audiences. These will range from work on internet sites where anyone can upload their videos on to, such as YouTube to film festivals and audiovisual exhibitions where the works will be from practitioners. I will find how these different styles of delivery will impact the audience’s perception. I think they will alter as people viewing mainstream based programming such as at film festivals are more likely to have a greater knowledge in the subject, and understand what a film maker is trying to say when using different techniques, compared to someone using social based programming such as watching a video on YouTube who may have not much or no interest in film. To try and find out if the delivery methods have changed the viewers perception I shall collect my own data by carrying out tests on people from the younger “MTV generation” and people from the older generations and see if there is a change in perception and research more into the subject by reading books and searching for papers on related topics. I will also look different older techniques and theories and compare them to the more modern ones, for example Lev Kuleshov’s theory of “relationship” editing and see how the old theory has been adapted and used in more modern practitioners work such as Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” and “2001: A Space Odyssey” in the computer HAL and how the different techniques have changed the perception of the viewer.
NOTE: The description must be approximately 300 words (minimum). It should aim to describe your research topic in a concise and precise way. You should complete the document through consultation with you project supervisor – incorporating any further conceptualisation that they provide.
Try to use language that is clear and understandable for a general and non-expert audience.
Supervisor: Supervisor Signature:
Name: Chris Dubock
University ID: N0170475
Saturday, 24 October 2009
PRP - Research for Agreement form
The Directors Template: 180 degree axis rule and coverage. Kuleshov effect
The Kubrick Corner The Kuleshov effect
Times Higher Education
'MTV generation learns through fun'
span of attention
The 'Grammar' of Television and Film
Journal Article Excerpt:Scott Bukatman. Matters of Gravity: Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th Century Journal article by Oscar R. Marti; Utopian Studies, Vol. 16, 2005 Special effects – changes perception of viewers;jsessionid=KmrYxww6Lv0gnqqxNnSml5QKvmntS68BTQxfr0vpfGs7dryT2TTJ!568259201!-950397748?docId=5009651178
The Effects of edits on arousal, attention, and memory for television messages: When an edit is an edit can an edit be to much?
Times Higher Education
'MTV generation learns through fun'
Span of attention
Addressing diverse learning styles through the use of multimedia
Atlanta, GA, USA
November 01-November 04
ISBN: 0-7803-3022-6
Carol A. Bodensteiner’s paper on “Predicting Public and Media Attention Span for Social Issues” found at:
Friday, 23 October 2009
Client Project - Health and Safety Forms
The Natural Ites were having another rehearsal tonight and so we went to it to get the health and safety forms signed and filled in. I then typed them up.
I took the form in to get Debs (tutor) to sign. She told me to make the following amendments:
(I shall scan in original with amendment notes on)
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Client Project - Meeting with Lenroy and Rich
- That he is doing a podcast for the evening post at the rescue rooms on the 2nd December and that we should try and sort out recording it if possible.
- We also came up with some ideas of what to show during the documentary: What each member of the band is doing now, a performance video in the studio and how he made his new CD in his living room.
- To promote the company and the diverse talents and artists
- We talked about doing the DVD/ CD package and they thought of using the Live performance sound track as the CD.
- Lenroy also said that they were going to Manchester to do a gig on Monday Nov 2nd and were having a rehearsal on Monday 26th Oct and that we should come and film that.
We also went through the agreement form with them.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Simulated Project Initial Ideas
- Show the outside of a house, have a title pop up saying that it is a director or music artist's house and have some one break in. Then show them inside the house and steal a film reel or an album. then have a voice over saying something along the lines of "you wouldn't break in and steal, piracy is illegal".
- The second idea was to have an interview style ad either with an artist or with random people saying when it is illegal, why it is illegal and the consequences.
- My third idea was after finding an article saying that "research also showed that half of 14 to 24-year-olds were happy to share all the music on their hard drive" which was on Times Online. It was to have two guys are in a room and one gives the other a hard drive. He puts it on his computer then you can hear sirens and Police burst in the room saying something like "Piracy is a crime! Do you have the right?"
My favorite out of these was the third idea and so i planned on expanding on this one.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Simulated Project Initial thoughts
File-sharing: Copying files from one computer to another.
When is it illegal?: When the files being shared are copyrighted and you don't have the licence for it.
Why?: As it is an infringement of section 16 of the Copyright and Designs and Patent Act. The owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to:
- Copy the work
- Issue copies to the public
- To perform, show or play the work in public.
- To broadcast or include the work in any cable program
- To make an adaption of the work or do any of the above in an adaption.
Copyright is then infringed when a person without the liscence of the copyright does or authorises somone to do any of the above.
Consiquences: Can result in penalties of up to $150,000 per copyrighted file £90,656.
Simulated Project Inspiration - YouTube
After watching a wide variety of different adverts I felt that funny ads were more affective, two particularly I liked were, one about Jack Black talking about piracy:
The second was an Ipod Shuffle add which has a girl in that thinks it is a pregnancy test:
I also thought other ads that start off light hearted and then have an abrupt part that changes the mood worked well and gets the point across clearly. An example of this is the THINK!
Finally it seemed there were alot of ads that were basically just interview style ads with people blatently saying the issues or points they want to get across. I found one done by American students from SIFE Belmont University that had a very simmilar breif to ours.
With all these in mind I had a good idea of what I wanted my ad to be like and so I started brainstorming ideas.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Simulated Project Script
Simulated Idea 1 – Script
Two guys are sitting in a room next to a computer.
Guy 1 – Hey man, have you got those games, music, videos and that version of adobe you downloaded?
Guy 2 – Ye man,
Guy 2 takes an ext. hard drive out of his bag.
Guy 2 – There on the hard drive.
Guy 1 – Cheers mate, its crazy to think you can get such a heavy fine for just doing this!
Guy 2 – Haha ye but who ever gets court!?
Police Sirens are heard in the background and then police man bursts in the door. The guys quickly turn round and look at the door.
Police man – do you have the right!?
After this there will be a black screen with some white text will flash up.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Simulated Project Research
“Section 16 of the Copyright Designs and Patents relates to 'acts restricted by copyright in a work' The owner of the copyright in a work has the exclusive right to do the following acts in the United Kingdom (a) to copy the work (see section 17) (b) to issue copies of the work to the public (see section 18); (c) to perform, show or play the work in public (see section 19); (d) to broadcast the work or include it in a cable programme service (see section 20); (e) to make an adaptation of the work or do any of the above in relation to an adaptation (see section 21); It follows that copyright in a work is infringed by a person who without the licence of the copyright owner does, or authorises another to do, any of the acts restricted by the copyright.”
I then wanted to find out the exact consiquences of file sharing, as they can change slighlty in each case I could not take Pirate Bay's as a definate. Up to $150,000 per copyrighted file £90,656 is what i found in a report on Sulair called "File-Sharing: Beware of the Consequences": I also found:
"No, it's 100% legal. In no state in the United States or in any other country is file sharing illegal. However, if you're sharing content that is protected by copyrights to other users that is illegal. Below are some good examples of where file sharing becomes illegal in many places around the world.
Downloading or sharing a copyrighted movie.
Sharing copyrighted songs (music) to other people who have not purchased those songs or downloading songs from other people when you've not purchased that song.
Sharing or downloading computer software (programs, games, etc.).
Downloading or sharing a copyrighted TV show or program."
at Computer Hope in an article called "Is file sharing illegal?" at:
"Babylon" Film Restoration
Simulated Project Beggining - Pirate Bay
- What file sharing is
- when it is illegal
- why it is illegal
- the consequences of file sharing
The first thing that came to my head when hearing this brief was the MPAA Anti Piracy Ad that is shown at the beginning of almost every film whether it be on DVD or at the cinema.
I started off by looking at the recent Pirate Bay court case. I found three BBC News reports on the case two from different times in the court case and the third about the Pirate Party. Here are the notes i made on them.
"Pirate Bay awaits court verdict" found at:
- Prosecutors called for one year prison sentence for the four administrators
- Four men charged with earning 1.2m kronor (£92,000) by facilitating copyright infringement.
- Films, music, video games industries seeking 117m kronor
- Support coming from thousands of small, new and independent creative companies
"Court jails Pirate Bay founders" Found at:
- Four administrators sentenced to 1 year in jail and £3m in damages to be paid.
- Administrators find it "bizarre" they got convicted and even more that they were convincted as a team "I cant get Gottfrid out of bed" says one of the administrators.
- They "cant pay and wouldn't" if they could.
- Damages awarded to a number of entertainment companies inc. Warner bros, Sony music entertainment, EMI and Columbia pictures.
- Total awarded fell short of $17.5m in damages and interest, the firms were seeking.
- Chairman of industry body the International Federation of phonographic industry (IFFPI) John Kennedy said "Verdict sent out a clear message" and "There has been a perception that piracy is ok and that the music industry should just have to accept it."
- The four admin denied charges throughout trial as they didn't actually host files.
- Assistant judge Klarius explains how court reached its decision- First tried whether there was any breach of copyright by the file sharing application which was proven. secondly they looked at the team who operated Pirate Bay file sharing service, the court found they knew the material was protected by copyright but continued to operate the service.
- Richard Falkvinge - Leader of the Pirate Party who are trying to reform laws around copyright and patents in the digital age. said the verdict was "a gross injustice".
- "Today's events wake file sharing a hot political issue and were going to take this to European Parliament".
- The Pirate Bay is the worlds most high profile file sharing website and was set up in 2003 by anti-copyright organisation Piratebryan, but for last 5 years it has been run by individuals.
- Millions of files are exchanged using the service everyday.
- No copyright content is hosted on pirate bay's web servers - instead the site hosts torrent links.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
"Leaving Home" Short Clips "Bleeping" 2nd edits
I sent the first drafts to the actors, and they then emailed back and said: "I am not sure if the music should be taken off because of copyright. This is really something I should of thought about and so was a bit dissapointed in my self but re-did the edits and tried to make the bleeps slightly better also.
Scene One - 2nd Edit
Harry's Speaking - 2nd Edit
Pickpocketing Scene - 2nd Edit
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Client Project - Finding The Client (Part Two)
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Client Project - Finding The Client (Part One)
Sunday, 30 August 2009
"Leaving Home" Actors Request "Beeping" first edits
After watching this I was able to do it and here is the first scene with the beeped out swear words:
Scene One - 1st Edit
Harry's Speaking - 1st Edit
Pickpocketing Scene - 1st Edit
Both Films Feedback
The Filleting Film
- Change the title to "The Fish Society Fillets a Halibut"
The Cooking Film
- Delete from 01:34 to 01:41
- Delete From 02:26 to 03:10 (a bit rambling)
- Where Mark is talking about working at The Savoy (around 02:15) put text on the screen saying "Mark trained at The Savoy Hotel"
- Make the URL throughout white instead of black
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Client Project - The Idea
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
"The Fish Society Does Halibut" Second Edit
Cooking Halibut editing
Fish Film Feed Back
- 0.16 Min's Delete part of the audio as he says "billings gate market" twice in about 5 seconds
- 0.40 Min's Take out the first fin flap being taken off
- 1.26 Min's Take out shot from behind and put in sequence after the first fillet has gone into the box (make it about 10 secs long)
- 3.00 Min's Take out 2nd fin Flap and put in 10 secs of dark side filleting
- 4.02 Min's Take out membrane being trimmed
- make the section on the off cuts half as long. keep from "they will end up as ..."
- 5.03 Min's Cut Filleting to where fillets are cut in half
- Put a black screen at the end with a link to "Cooking Halibut"
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Adobes Crap Customer Service's
After 3 hours on the phone I was given a link to go to a document and was told to go through and do everything the document said "and this should fix your problem". I went through the whole of the document which none of it worked and then i got to the bottom where it said "re-install the product" by this point I had spent 5 hours working on the problem and so decided to call it a day.
The next day i called adobe again and managed to fix the problem in 5 minutes!!!
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Fish Film Editing the 30 kg halibut
Every time I treid to render it I would leave it and go and do something else but everytime I came back and treid to do anything my computer crashed. After about 2 - 3 hours i finally managed to get it all rendered without it crashing and so then treid to export it as a video and then the problems continued! The first time it exported again the computer crashed after having exported it, but the exported file did not work, and so i treid again. This time my Adobe Media Encoder stoped working, I tried to do this multiple times but it failed and so i called Adobes customer support!
Fish Film Another Opportunity
Fish Film Real Thing (filiting a 30 kg halibut)
- The Url to their site to be smaller but keep it through out the film.
- The film to be about 5 minutes long.
- For the title of the film to be "The Fish Society Does Halibut".
- That i put the fish society logo (which he emailed to me) to be placed in the film also.
After having shot the filleting I was given another opportunity...
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Fish Film Pracice Edits
Fish Film Practice Shoot
I have some production stills that I will post ASAP.
Fish Film The Beggining
Sunday, 31 May 2009
After deciding that i was going to use copyrighted music I looked through my ITunes and on YouTube for music that carried the right sort of feel and also had a similar narrative to that part of my film. This took a lot longer than i had originally thought it would take!
Evaluation Of Film
The next problem i had was also in the first scene, which was the fact that at certain points the continuity is not exactly right and so it makes a certain part of it very jumpy. If I had of had more time and costs to get my actors to me more often i would have like to of re-shot this scene.
The next problem came from the quick shots of the boys practicing pickpocketing as i said earlier people didn't get that this was meant to be them practicing. I tried to do a voice-over Garry using my voice (for the same reason as before about getting the actors back over to me), as my lecturer Jules said that if you show Garry and put a voice over the audience will most likely presume it is the actors voice. I tired this and i couldn't make my voice anything like the actors and so it sounded awful!!
Press Release
274 Alfreton Road,
NG7 5LS,
Find Your Self “Leaving Home”
Nottingham, UK – 22 May 2009-04-24
Await the opening of the heart warming story Leaving Home. Dave and Garry are brothers forced to leave home after constant domestic violence. Their eyes are opened into the criminal lifestyle of living on the street and what must be done. Until one event happens that changes their life forever and reunites a failing family. To be released after 6 months in the making, at Nottingham Trent Uni. on the 22nd May 2009. This film is aimed to raise awareness about the harshness of living on the street and the serious problems brought from alcohol.
I am Chris Dubock the director, to get any further information contact me on: +44 (0) 7786 064 126 or at
Directed, produced and edited by the young and upcoming Nottingham Trent University Student Chris Dubock.
Chris Dubock has travelled around a lot for his young age, taking in a lot of inspiration from different cultures. Such as part of the inspiration for this film from visiting a street kid home in Tanzania. After living in Switzerland for 6 years he moved back to England to go to University in Nottingham. After deciding computer game design (what he originally had planned to do) wasn’t what he wanted to do and undertook Audiovisual which got him to where he is now.
This is Dubock Productions first film and Chris Dubock has only part taken in one other piece of audiovisual work which was a four minute documentary on whether graffiti is an art form or a crime from the perspective of a graffiti artist in which he took the editors role.
Final Film
Promotional Stills
Class Feedback
- The cuts in the opening sequence didn't completly work
- What is the mum journey
- I asked if they understood what was happening during the scene where the kids were meant to be practicing pickpocketing, and they didn't so i had to try and change this around some how.