Monday, 19 October 2009

Simulated Project Initial thoughts

With all the research I've done in mind i came up with a brief outline of what it needs to contain:
File-sharing: Copying files from one computer to another.
When is it illegal?: When the files being shared are copyrighted and you don't have the licence for it.
Why?: As it is an infringement of section 16 of the Copyright and Designs and Patent Act. The owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to:
  • Copy the work
  • Issue copies to the public
  • To perform, show or play the work in public.
  • To broadcast or include the work in any cable program
  • To make an adaption of the work or do any of the above in an adaption.

Copyright is then infringed when a person without the liscence of the copyright does or authorises somone to do any of the above.

Consiquences: Can result in penalties of up to $150,000 per copyrighted file £90,656.

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