Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Client Project - Finding The Client (Part One)

During the summer Chase was looking for clients and found two music artists to use. First was a Nottingham based reggae band called Moonbuggy, but they had a change in some of the band members and so said they didn't want to make any commitments. The second was Jakwob but after having the manager say that they would be interested in working with us, but the manager shortly after stoped working with Jakwob Chase then tried to go straight to Jakwob but the only way contacting him was through MySpace and never got a reply. I then had a look for a possible client and found a website called nottsdub.co.uk which had a local reggae artist called Percy Dread and a local dub artist called Notts Dub which seemed like two very good possibilities. I was quite hope full that something would come out of this, if not from those artists from another as on Notts Dub website it says "Notts Dub provides ground level support for artists, performers and associated industries in and around Nottingham.". I spoke to Chase about it and we agreed to meet up to come up with draft proposal to then email these artists.

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