Over the last week i have had two of my actors drop out, One because he was given a bigger role in another film and the other just never got back to me. Due to the shoot date problems i talked about before i had started looking for other actors that may have more dates free. I contacted the Lace Market Theatre Group and put a Notice up saying that i was looking for actors and a breif description of my film, I also got in contact with the drama department of NCN, but still haven't heard back from them. Luckily for me last weekend the one actor i still had knew two people that could play two of the roles but i still dont have a Dad and so have decided to go on with my film but with out actually showing the Dad. To help get an idea of how this may work i remade my frameforge without having the dad in the two scenes he is in. I have however set up two shoot days. These being the 10th and 11th of March.