We came in at 10 and had 6 hours before it had to be handed in. Chase and I worked on finishing off editing. Joe and Rossi got all the production files printed and on to disks and Jack was in charge of finishing off the Making of and we wanted to make a DVD menu page for it so Jack was in charge of getting this sorted. Me and Chase after about 2 to 3 hours had the final edit done it had gone quite smoothly.
We did have a few problems though, the first was that in the part of the interview that i have spoken about earlier where the sound levels just dropped randomly in the middle of something Nathan was saying (we found out after talking to the Danny the lecturer that this could have been from something small as we were using a boom mic they are very sensitive to the direction the sound is coming from so just him turning his head could have caused this), is still there and we tried to use the audio mixer to drop part of his voice and raise the quiter bit. It wasnt having any of it, i had it set to touch and i would move the volume bar depending on the sound level and when i stoped it, it would all be set to the last place i had it before i stoped it playing.
We then had problems with making the DVD menu and Jack knew how to do some of it but not all of it, so i went around and asked some of the other editor's from the other documentary groups, including Hits, Kez and Danny, all of them wernt sure. I then saw that Hits had figured out how to do it and i went and asked him how to do it, but he couldnt remeber but pointed out the third year AV student Richard that had showed him and so i went and got him to come and show Jack how to do it. This shows how networking works within the university and between other students. Althoug even after this the DVD menus kept messing up and Richard kept cuming and giving a hand but then something happened and he couldnt fix it and then the computer Jack was on crashed and somehow messed up the making of files too i dont know if it corrupted them or wat though.
Come 3.30 we had the documentary finished, all the production files on cd and all the recce, safety and release forms photocopied. I was happy that we got it all in on time but it was a bit disapointing/ annoying that we couldn't have a dvd with dvd menus and have a making of section on the dvd as I think this would have shown the extra effort put into it.
Here is the final edit thou....i hope you enjoy it
Im really happy with the final outcome of the documentary, especially as we had so many problems like having to restart the editing on the last week. I think our group worked quite well together and everyone played their rolls.
After doing this documentary i have decided my favorit part was definately the editing and beleive this is possibly the direction i want to head into in the future and due to this I plan to try and make a making of video out of the extra footage we do have thou in my spare time and possibly a short trailer for the movie.
Monday, 15 December 2008
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Editing 9 Video 11.12.08
This is our last full day and so came in at 9 am and have said we cant leave the computer room until all the work is done. Chase and I worked on editing the main documentary but chase had to leave a bit early to do something, Joe and Rosie worked on getting the documentary files together and Jack put together the making of from the footage off Chases camcorder. We had a slight problem with the new footage it was put into a VOB format, I'm not sure what this is but it was not supported by Premier Pro and so to be able to import it you had to change this to MPG. By about 7 pm I had finished a First draft 4 minute long version, i showed it to my group and asked what they thought the feedback i got was:
-Footage of the road was too long
-To incorporate 2 shots one of Nathan smoking a cig and one of Nathans hands (this is was planning on doing already)
-To fade pictures in overlaying the current ones
-To try and shorten some of the longer clips of Nathan grafting
I took this in and tried to change the video to incorprate this feedback into it. I had finished basically the final movie by 8.30 pm.
I was very happy with what i had got done today and for how long i had worked on it for. Joe and Rossi got most of the production files completed and Jack got a first edit of "The Making Of" done.
-Footage of the road was too long
-To incorporate 2 shots one of Nathan smoking a cig and one of Nathans hands (this is was planning on doing already)
-To fade pictures in overlaying the current ones
-To try and shorten some of the longer clips of Nathan grafting
I took this in and tried to change the video to incorprate this feedback into it. I had finished basically the final movie by 8.30 pm.
I was very happy with what i had got done today and for how long i had worked on it for. Joe and Rossi got most of the production files completed and Jack got a first edit of "The Making Of" done.
Editing 8 Finshed Audio 10.12.08
Today all we did was continue on getting all the interview together and making sure it was about 4-5 mintues long, as we cud cut it down more after we had got the main bit of it done. We didn't encounter any problems whilst doing this. Mark my girlfreinds dad had said on monday that he sent a compy of the footage from the american tape on dvd, and that arrived today but after i had gone to uni so we couldn't look/ work on it today.
Editing 7 Song, Narration 9.12.08
I was ill yesterday so didnt know how much the group had managed to get on edditing with, i found out the had cut up the footage except for a little bit of the Interview. There was a slight problem now though that where i said before about trying to get the image of Nathan fading into the Oxygen Thievez picture, now the image of Nathan wasnt showing up at all. We went and asked Owen if he could fix it. He wasnt sure wat was wrong with it to start with. I told him that the still of Nathan was actually video running at 0.1% speed, and he said we shud try making a still of it. We wernt sure how to do this so he showed us and basically all you had to do was set the point on the timeline to the frame you wanted then go file - export - frame. We did this and then changed the video of nathan to the still of him and it worked fine. So it was time to start putting the story together. This went quite well and by the end of the day we had about 2 minutes of the story done. Joe also came up with a new song for us to use which is a song by The Specials called Ghost Town.
Editing 6 Finish Capturing and Intro
Today we captured the other tape. We wrote down the time codes for the footage from the Above Gallery and The Russel Youth Centre, we didn't write down the time codes for the Interview though as i think no one was at the computer for the whole time it was capturing. After we had captured all the footage back on to Premier Pro (and saving onto Chas's hardrive now as we figured out that the Hell on Earth song messed up mine and Joe's ext harddrives and didnt want it to ruin our new footage) we bagan setting up the begining of our documentary again exactly as we had it before. We came against a few small problems here though the first was that a certain part in the interview was going really quite and we couldn't remember how to use the audio mixer so we asked Danny (a lecturer) how to do it. He came and showed us where it was and then showed us how you must change a tab to "touch" on the selected track of the timeline (1,2,3,4 etc) and then you play the movie and as it goes through you move the sound level up or down depending what you want. The second problem we had was we were trying to have a still of Nathan fade into a Picture of a grafiti by the Oxygen Thieves (the grafiti group that Nathan is part of) by changing the opacity of the two pictures but it wasnt working properly and it kept jumping we could not figgure out why. We decided to leave this problem for now and move on with the project. We next put in a film Chase had taken on his camera at one of the Detonates. Detonate is a premoter/ organiser of drum n bass, dubstep and hip hop nights at various clubs. We used this footage as in the interview Nathan is talking about how the rave scene has helped to inspire him, he also latter goes on to talk about how he designed flyers for a drum and bass night which is detonate.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Editing 5 Game Over 4.12.08
We were still having the same problems today. We asked Debs if she had any ideas of what to do and she said to save regularly and when i told her i was, also to see if saving some where other than my harddrive worked but again we needed Owen. We did get some feedback today from debs and a few other class mates. here are some of the feed back we got:
-didnt like where we had put some pictures of flyers into whilst nathan was talking about when
he was designing flyers.
-a good first shot very bright and clourful
-Too much of just nathan painting - more vairety of shots
-The titles needed to cum up slightly later and stay up for a bit longer
After having got the feedback we went to find Owen. I explained the problem and he said to check the scratch disks which i checked and they were all set up to save to the computer whilst the project was saving to my ext harddrive and this seemed to work for a while but then the problem occoured again. At this point we thought it could be possible that the song Hell on Earth had a virus and thus managed to corrupt the files so it was decided that we had two options. We could either stick with this and hope it stopped messing up or we just had to start all over. We ended up choosing the second option and started capturing again. We only captured one tape, whilst it was capturing thou we wrote down the time codes of any shots that we thought looked good this then makes the edditing easier as u can just flight through the footage to the time codes you already have written down. We had forgotten to do this the first time we capptured the tapes.
Also remember the extra camera we took with us belonging to Chase? well as its an american camera we couldn't get the footage off it the normal way but my girlfreinds dad said he may be able to do it for us and so we sent the tape off to him today also.
-didnt like where we had put some pictures of flyers into whilst nathan was talking about when
he was designing flyers.
-a good first shot very bright and clourful
-Too much of just nathan painting - more vairety of shots
-The titles needed to cum up slightly later and stay up for a bit longer
After having got the feedback we went to find Owen. I explained the problem and he said to check the scratch disks which i checked and they were all set up to save to the computer whilst the project was saving to my ext harddrive and this seemed to work for a while but then the problem occoured again. At this point we thought it could be possible that the song Hell on Earth had a virus and thus managed to corrupt the files so it was decided that we had two options. We could either stick with this and hope it stopped messing up or we just had to start all over. We ended up choosing the second option and started capturing again. We only captured one tape, whilst it was capturing thou we wrote down the time codes of any shots that we thought looked good this then makes the edditing easier as u can just flight through the footage to the time codes you already have written down. We had forgotten to do this the first time we capptured the tapes.
Also remember the extra camera we took with us belonging to Chase? well as its an american camera we couldn't get the footage off it the normal way but my girlfreinds dad said he may be able to do it for us and so we sent the tape off to him today also.
Editing 4 Problems Really Begin 3.12.08
We went in and started working on the edit and very soon the problems began. Everytime we made any head way an error message would pop up saying that there was a problem saving certain files and we would loose everything we had done in the last 20 mintues or so even thou i was saving the files under 3 differnt names. This problem kept occurring all day and so decided to go and talk to Jools and see if he had any ideas of what to do. He basically told us to try and save the data onto the desktop rather than the hard drive but to do this we had to speak to owen to get a special login and password for the editing software and he was not around. We neva really got any further on the work today because of these issues.
"Hell On Earth" 2.12.08
My dad came over to visit today from switzerland and i think this left joe on his own editing. i was going to go in and help him after my dad had left but about 4.30 pm i got a txt. Saying that joe had just lost everything he had done and error messages were cuming up and he couldnt get the song we wished to use "hell on earth" on to the documentary and thought it was something to do with his ext harddrive. So later that night he came over to my house with his hard drive and we got the song onto my ext harddrive i plugged it into my computer and straight away a message from my virus scanner came up saying Trojan detetected, i healed it and that was that for today.
Editing 3 The beggining 1.12.08
Today we worked on getting the start of the documentary rolling. Chase and i had a seminar in the morning and so worked on it here and got about the first 15 seconds done with out too many problems. It seemed to be running smoothly.
Later in the day Joe and Jack worked on doing some edditing but typically as we always have to have problems the program crashed after 2 hours and they lost all the edditing they had done.
We then worked a little more on the beggining in getting the write fonts we wanted for the title screens and changing the spaces between the letters and getting the overall layout of the beggining exactly how we wanted it.
Later in the day Joe and Jack worked on doing some edditing but typically as we always have to have problems the program crashed after 2 hours and they lost all the edditing they had done.
We then worked a little more on the beggining in getting the write fonts we wanted for the title screens and changing the spaces between the letters and getting the overall layout of the beggining exactly how we wanted it.
Editing 2 Still Cutting 28.11.08
Today we worked on the editing for about 4 hours. We started by finishing off cutting up the footage from nathans workshop which didnt take too long as we had done most of it the previous day. And then we started cutting the interview even more, again cutting up the small pauses but making sure not to miss off ends or begginings of words. We then started to place differnt bits of cut up footage together to make get the basic story. The hardest part of this was because Nathan tends to almost slur his words which made it hard to get cut points. Also the change in tone in voice from one part of the answer to another makes it hard to put together. It was off putting as we were using the film obviously where we had cut one bit and put it with another the video we were seing was him tweeking out and looked as though he was twiching constantly from where he was sat slightly differntly in the shots and made us think the audio wasnt running smothly when in matter of fact it was.
Friday, 12 December 2008
Editing 1 Cutting
Finally the bit that i have been looking forward to the most being the editor and finding it fun to do. Chase and I started doing the edit in a seminar. We had decided that the best way to approach it was to speed up the visual bits and cut out what we want and delete anything we didn't think we would use. The lecturer then came over to see how we were doing and said that he recommended cutting the audio first and laying it out so that it makes a story so we stooped cutting the footage from the studio and tried to cut the interview that we had recorded with the edirol but it was really quite and the sound quality wasnt very good, so we started cutting up the filmed interview. We basically were cutting out all the footage that was before he started answering the question and allot of the pauses or errs and ums which probably took up a good 10 minutes all together! This took about 2 hours to get the footage down to just the parts we thought we may use which was about 15 minutes long.
The rest of the group now joined later in the day and we started cutting up the footage of him painting the graffiti. First of all we set the speed to about 200% and then started cutting out all the shots we didnt want and kept which shots we all liked, if there were any that were unsure i put them too a differnt line on the video timeline. this took about another 2 hours again but we didnt manage to get it all done but had about 10 to 15 minutes of footage again.
I was quite pleased with our days work and had enjoyed starting the edit.
The rest of the group now joined later in the day and we started cutting up the footage of him painting the graffiti. First of all we set the speed to about 200% and then started cutting out all the shots we didnt want and kept which shots we all liked, if there were any that were unsure i put them too a differnt line on the video timeline. this took about another 2 hours again but we didnt manage to get it all done but had about 10 to 15 minutes of footage again.
I was quite pleased with our days work and had enjoyed starting the edit.
Chase and I went walked around Nottingham looking for potential places to film and took some pictures, i am not sure when this was though as i didnt keep ontop of my blog and didnt write down the dates, but here are a few of them all the same:
Capturing the footage 26.11.08
It was time to be bored for 2 hours as we put the tape into the machine opened up Premier Pro pressed play and then record. We then got to sit and wait untill the film had played all the way through with the first tape then again with the second tape....
Shoot 3 The Interview
We collected the same equipment as at shoot 1 but had also got a boom mic. Chase and I explained to the rest of the group the feed back we had got from the seminar so that Jack (the camerman) could think about what shots to take. We got there and set up a place for the camera and where the light was going to go and set off on the interview asking the questions as seen in the proposal. It went quite smoothly and Nathan has been on camera before and so didn't take long to loose the nervous that showed at the very beggining of the interview. We got alot of usefull information and audio that we could straight away tell would work well in our documentary, as he gave long answers and told us some stories such as about his parents going to see his work and what they think of his art work.
I think overall the shoot was a success and we left with around about an hour also, but again it took longer than we had originally planned for it to take and missed out on getting shots of his studio he has upstairs and some of his other work he had at his house.
I think overall the shoot was a success and we left with around about an hour also, but again it took longer than we had originally planned for it to take and missed out on getting shots of his studio he has upstairs and some of his other work he had at his house.
Feed back
During one of the semminars soon after we shot all the groups showed the footage we had so far from our documentarys. Whilst watching ours we realised, as we planned on only doing a voice over during the documentary we didnt take a mic with us to record any of the audio (except what we got on the edirol) and it didnt have too much to keep everyone entertained. The main bit of feedback we got was basically that people wernt sure if we had a large enough variety of shots and footage to put into our documentary. We originally were not planning on showing him at all and were only going to take the edirol, but now we thought we would take a HVR-Z7U camcorder with us also if only to do as Joe our director had mentioned about only showing his mouth or his hands to give the audience a slight glimpse but not give away what he looks like or who he is.
Shoot 2 The Above Gallery, Street Art, Russel Youth Centre 21.11.08
Today we drove around to a few places that Nathan had told us to go and look at to see his art work and other graffitis. We started off with The Above gallery which is above Oh My Gosh record shop, which had some of the work he has done and other art for sale. We then went to around the Blueprint club area where we got some footage out of the car whilst driving past and a wall that had a few large grafitis outside it. Finally we went to the Russel Youth centre which had a few basket ball courts outside the back full with graffiti some that he had done. We were all happy with this footage especially the shots taken whilst driving past.
The Shoot of the graffiti.19.11.08
Chase and I had gone the previous day to check that it would be possible to get the equipment as i hadn't had an email back saying if we were able to get what equipment we had requested. We were doing our shoot in the evening as it was inside his studio, so we went and collected all the equipment which was:
- Sony HVR-Z7U camcorder and tripod
- Light and stand with some gloves for safety against burns.
- Reflector
-Edirol R-09 Audio Recorder
-Edirol R-09 Audio Recorder
Chase also took his small hand held camcorder as we want to add some extras onto our DVD such as the making of.
Rosie had her car which meant we could just pile into that and drive to the studio.
On getting to the studio and setting up the equipment we asked Nathan to explain the order he had to paint the piece and what he was planning on doing in order to be able to get good shots of the piece.
We had asked him to paint a character that represented himself (seen below). After getting to know him a bit i can see how the overall angry feel to the graffiti portrays his slightly angry side he has and has mentioned. To explain the rest of it from head downwards in the had the buildings show the urban style of his art, the spray can is for the grafting obviously and the skull and cross bones a dark side to him. The paint roller in the one hand represents art and how much he loves to paint. I think the colour, especially of the body make it look quite criminalish which represents the criminal side of graffiti. We didn't need to use any lighting as there was enough light in the studio.
We ended up getting about an hour worth of footage at the end of it which myself, Chase and Jack (the cameraman) watched when back at our house and thought about what shots we thought were good and which ones we may not want to use, although we did not write this down which now i would have known to do.
The shoot went well overall and everyone seemed to be enjoying it and contributing. The only draw back was we were planning on trying to get the interview done that night also which we ended up running out of time to do, as we were there from about 5.30 till 9 this meant that we organised to shoot the interview at his house on Monday. This meant we didn't use the Edirol to much we did get some audio of the spray can and background noise though.
Here are some of the pictures from the shoot:
More Problems 17.11.08
Today we took the forms and the storyboard in to uni, but we could't find a lecturer to sign the forms before the equipment store had closed, which was our first problem we then found out that the forms were not done well enough and had to fill them out again, we ended up getting them signed but this meant we had to cancel doing the shoot today and planned with Nathan to do it on Wednesday. We also sent an email to book out the equipment for wednesday 19th. We left the storyboard however on Jools desk as he wasnt about.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Problems with our forms and story board 14.11.08
Today we went to give our forms and our story board to Jools but hadn't got the supervisors signature as we wernt too sure who this was meant to be, we found out it was meant to be Nathan as it is his studio we are filming in. This then caused a bit of panic as we were planning on filming on the monday, luckily he was in the pub later that night that Rosie another member of my group works at and she was able to get him to sign it. Jools also said that our story board wasn't really up to scratch but gave us the weekend to work on it.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
up to date: safety forms camera action 13.11.08
Chase and I filled out the risk assessment forms and booked out the camera, Joe redrew the story board so we are now ready to start filming tomorow!
12.11.08 Proposal Presentation
We did our proposal presentation and i think it went quite well, there didnt seem to be many confusions in what we are trying to do with our documentary. We had a slight problem which was that when we went to photocopy our storyboard it didnt show up so we had to go over it again in ink so that it would show up. We also found out we had to do risk assesment forms before we are able to book out the cameras so we also had to do these.
11.11.08 Recce, Finished Proposal
Today we met up with Kid33 and went to see the studio where we will be filming the majority of our documentary. Here are some pictures that we took:
We also filled out a recce form for this studio which i shall post shortly.
Chase and I spent the evening finishing typing up the proposal ready for the presentation the next day:
Warm and Easy Productions Presents:
“Urban Art: Kid33”
“Urban Art” is a documentary about Nathan Bainbridge, aka Kid33, from the graffiti group Oxygen Thievez. In this film, we will be trying to find out how he began his role as a graffiti artist and his perception on the culture. The length of this character study will be approximately four minutes.”
We see Nathan as an artist expressing his individuality through a taboo art-form. The story will focus on the progression of his artwork and his views surrounding the area. This documentary will be presented through a voice recorded interview and various shots of Nathan painting a piece of which he sees himself artistically. Pictures of other “tags” and sketches by Kid33 will be shown throughout the film. “Urban Art” will use constant moving imagery from beginning to end to invoke the flowing feeling of an aerosol can painting a piece of graffiti.
Scene 1: We are going to have shots of Kid33’s work fading from one to another with the title and production name showing. We will use a hip- hop song named “Hell on Earth” for the duration of the introduction as it will set the film off with the urban feel that we intend to portray. The total duration of the introduction will be roughly 15 seconds.
Scene 2: We will ask Kid33 to paint a picture of how he sees himself. It will not necessarily be a the conventional way in which someone might portray themselves, but his own abstract interpretation of what represents him as a person i.e. personality, experiences etc. Through out the film the camera will focus on various areas of the piece of art such as parts of the face or body to help convey the relevant message Kid33 is trying to get across. This scene will contain rough background of Kid33s life and how he began his life as a graffiti artist. We do not intend to show Kid33’s face, however the questions he answers to through out the scene will be used as a voice over. This will give the viewer a sense of ambiguity around Kid33 as a character who seemingly has a hobby of which can have a criminal background. Other shots of his artwork will be edited into the scene. The duration of this scene will be roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 3: The second scene will flow into the third carrying on the theme of graffiti often being known as a criminal offence. We will be focusing on the legal issues regarding graffiti, his opinions on graffiti as a whole and if he has had any previous encounters with the police regarding his artwork. This camera will be focusing on the mouth of the painting that he creates and other images of work he has done that relates to this topic. This scene should last for roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 4: The fourth scene will focus on areas in which he may have helped the community such as work shops etc. Keeping the theme of focusing on a specific part of the painting he created, we will edit in shots of the representation of his hands. Shots of his artwork that he may have produced in projects to help the community will be edited in through out the scene. This scene will last for roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 5: Scene five will be his overview of the subject and what art means to him in which we will show still images of Kid33 and his graffiti group Oxygen Thievez’s artwork in public areas. The camera will also cut to the image of his eyes in his artistic interpretation of himself. This section of the film will last for roughly 20 seconds.
Scene 6: This will be our final shot of his finished art work where his portrait is revealed to the viewer. We will attach a piece of cellophane to the camera lens for Kid33 to sign as the credit roll across the screen. This section will take roughly 15 seconds.
To keep the viewer’s interest we are going to show the images and film with a variety of different effects on some shots we will have video noise and changing the saturation, brightness and contrast to give it a 9mm film look. This is to give it an urban feel. In contrast to show graffiti is still an art form we will intensify the brightness. We also are going to dissolve images of Kid33’s artwork into one another.
As a group, we share a common interest in art, specifically urban and underground art. Much of this style of art is not properly recognised. In particular, we believe that graffiti is looked upon with a negative view. This is due to its criminal associations and a misunderstanding of the culture. Therefore, we wish to present a character which will show the audience the artistic end of the graffiti spectrum and leave them feeling inspired. Through this character study of Nathan Bainbridge, we aim to answer underlying questions surrounding the controversy surrounding urban art and to give a voice to the underground art culture of graffiti.
1. His studio
2. Locations where Kid33 and the Oxygen Thievez work is on display
3. His house
4. Skatepark
As a group we have put together a few questions of which we will choose the best edit in post production. The questions will spur him on to tell the story he intends to get across to the viewer. Although we have not got the exact answers from each question, we do have a rough idea of what answers we would like to get out of Kid33. Our questions will not be heard in the final edit, so therefore will ask him to repeat each question in the answer, as if he was telling a story.
1. What was your life like growing up and how has it made who you are?
2. Have you always been artistic?
3. When and why did you first get serious about art?
4. How did you start getting recognised and how did it make you feel?
5. What do your family and friends think about your work?
6. How do you feel about the whole image that graffiti brings? E.g. gangs, being socially unacceptable and it being a criminal activity?
7. Is the graffiti you create illegal?
8. How do you feel about the laws regarding graffiti?
9. How do you use your art to help the community and who are you trying to help?
10. How did you get involved with graffiti and what is your influence?
11. What’s your message in your graffiti and who are you sending it to?
12. What is your role in the Oxygen Thievez?
13. What opportunity’s has being in the Oxygen Thievez given you?
14. What does art mean to you?
15. Is your art an escape for you?
16. If you could tag anything in the world, what would it be and why?
We also filled out a recce form for this studio which i shall post shortly.
Chase and I spent the evening finishing typing up the proposal ready for the presentation the next day:
Warm and Easy Productions Presents:
“Urban Art: Kid33”
“Urban Art” is a documentary about Nathan Bainbridge, aka Kid33, from the graffiti group Oxygen Thievez. In this film, we will be trying to find out how he began his role as a graffiti artist and his perception on the culture. The length of this character study will be approximately four minutes.”
We see Nathan as an artist expressing his individuality through a taboo art-form. The story will focus on the progression of his artwork and his views surrounding the area. This documentary will be presented through a voice recorded interview and various shots of Nathan painting a piece of which he sees himself artistically. Pictures of other “tags” and sketches by Kid33 will be shown throughout the film. “Urban Art” will use constant moving imagery from beginning to end to invoke the flowing feeling of an aerosol can painting a piece of graffiti.
Scene 1: We are going to have shots of Kid33’s work fading from one to another with the title and production name showing. We will use a hip- hop song named “Hell on Earth” for the duration of the introduction as it will set the film off with the urban feel that we intend to portray. The total duration of the introduction will be roughly 15 seconds.
Scene 2: We will ask Kid33 to paint a picture of how he sees himself. It will not necessarily be a the conventional way in which someone might portray themselves, but his own abstract interpretation of what represents him as a person i.e. personality, experiences etc. Through out the film the camera will focus on various areas of the piece of art such as parts of the face or body to help convey the relevant message Kid33 is trying to get across. This scene will contain rough background of Kid33s life and how he began his life as a graffiti artist. We do not intend to show Kid33’s face, however the questions he answers to through out the scene will be used as a voice over. This will give the viewer a sense of ambiguity around Kid33 as a character who seemingly has a hobby of which can have a criminal background. Other shots of his artwork will be edited into the scene. The duration of this scene will be roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 3: The second scene will flow into the third carrying on the theme of graffiti often being known as a criminal offence. We will be focusing on the legal issues regarding graffiti, his opinions on graffiti as a whole and if he has had any previous encounters with the police regarding his artwork. This camera will be focusing on the mouth of the painting that he creates and other images of work he has done that relates to this topic. This scene should last for roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 4: The fourth scene will focus on areas in which he may have helped the community such as work shops etc. Keeping the theme of focusing on a specific part of the painting he created, we will edit in shots of the representation of his hands. Shots of his artwork that he may have produced in projects to help the community will be edited in through out the scene. This scene will last for roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 5: Scene five will be his overview of the subject and what art means to him in which we will show still images of Kid33 and his graffiti group Oxygen Thievez’s artwork in public areas. The camera will also cut to the image of his eyes in his artistic interpretation of himself. This section of the film will last for roughly 20 seconds.
Scene 6: This will be our final shot of his finished art work where his portrait is revealed to the viewer. We will attach a piece of cellophane to the camera lens for Kid33 to sign as the credit roll across the screen. This section will take roughly 15 seconds.
To keep the viewer’s interest we are going to show the images and film with a variety of different effects on some shots we will have video noise and changing the saturation, brightness and contrast to give it a 9mm film look. This is to give it an urban feel. In contrast to show graffiti is still an art form we will intensify the brightness. We also are going to dissolve images of Kid33’s artwork into one another.
As a group, we share a common interest in art, specifically urban and underground art. Much of this style of art is not properly recognised. In particular, we believe that graffiti is looked upon with a negative view. This is due to its criminal associations and a misunderstanding of the culture. Therefore, we wish to present a character which will show the audience the artistic end of the graffiti spectrum and leave them feeling inspired. Through this character study of Nathan Bainbridge, we aim to answer underlying questions surrounding the controversy surrounding urban art and to give a voice to the underground art culture of graffiti.
1. His studio
2. Locations where Kid33 and the Oxygen Thievez work is on display
3. His house
4. Skatepark
As a group we have put together a few questions of which we will choose the best edit in post production. The questions will spur him on to tell the story he intends to get across to the viewer. Although we have not got the exact answers from each question, we do have a rough idea of what answers we would like to get out of Kid33. Our questions will not be heard in the final edit, so therefore will ask him to repeat each question in the answer, as if he was telling a story.
1. What was your life like growing up and how has it made who you are?
2. Have you always been artistic?
3. When and why did you first get serious about art?
4. How did you start getting recognised and how did it make you feel?
5. What do your family and friends think about your work?
6. How do you feel about the whole image that graffiti brings? E.g. gangs, being socially unacceptable and it being a criminal activity?
7. Is the graffiti you create illegal?
8. How do you feel about the laws regarding graffiti?
9. How do you use your art to help the community and who are you trying to help?
10. How did you get involved with graffiti and what is your influence?
11. What’s your message in your graffiti and who are you sending it to?
12. What is your role in the Oxygen Thievez?
13. What opportunity’s has being in the Oxygen Thievez given you?
14. What does art mean to you?
15. Is your art an escape for you?
16. If you could tag anything in the world, what would it be and why?
Thursday, 13 November 2008
10.11.08 Contact,Questions,Storyboard
Today we had another group meeting and got in contact with the guy we are doing our documentarary (kid33) and planed a meeting with him for the following day, to see the place we are going to be filming and go over our ideas in greater detail. He seemed quite enthousiastic about our idea though which was a gd sign.
We also drew out the storyboard today which i shall insert as soon as we scan it, and we wrote out some questions we will ask Kid33 in a voice recorded interview which will be in the proposal.
We also drew out the storyboard today which i shall insert as soon as we scan it, and we wrote out some questions we will ask Kid33 in a voice recorded interview which will be in the proposal.
13.11.08 My favorite shot
I choose shot 4 where there are the two guys sitting at a table, as i thought it interested me the most. This was because of the mystery of the shot as we dont really know where they are or who they are. With the other shots we presume that the shirtless guy is from the prison but the other character we dont know but again would presume that its sum sort of visitor. The face they are smoking possibly shows that the attmosphere is a bit tence.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Proposal / Story Board 9.11.2008
We decided to give our documentary a new look and decided to take out what we were going to do at the start of it. This was the shots of peoples faces explaining their oppinions on the graffiti, but to keep the artist doing a graffiti for us. The Graffiti we want him to do fo us is a character that will be representive of his personality, we shall then focus the film around differnt parts of the character as he is painting it. This will tell his story and answer what his oppinion is to whether graffiti is art or a crime. As the parts come together the audience will then be able to see the artists charachter revealed.
Our group started to discuss the proposal and firstly looked at some similar documentarys, here are two that we found:
Atlas Graffiti documentary
FOX News L.A. Taggers
The first one on the Atlas Graffiti group kind of had the same feel to how we wanted ours to flow. It also showed graffiti artist going to extreme lenghts to put up their tags.
The second documentary wasnt very usefull as it was more about a gang that tagged things rather than a smaller graffiti group. We thought this one coulde have been usefull as it would have showed graffiti more as a crime.
We came up with a story board of how we wanted it to look which was as follows:
Scene 1: We are going to have shots of Kid33’s work fading from one to another with the title and production name showing. We will use a hip- hop song named “Hell on Earth” for the duration of the introduction as it will set the film off with the urban feel that we intend to portray. The total duration of the introduction will be roughly 15 seconds.
Scene 2: We will ask Kid33 to paint a picture of how he sees himself. It will not necessarily be a the conventional way in which someone might portray themselves, but his own abstract interpretation of what represents him as a person i.e. personality, experiences etc. Through out the film the camera will focus on various areas of the piece of art such as parts of the face or body to help convey the relevant message Kid33 is trying to get across. This scene will contain rough background of Kid33s life and how he began his life as a graffiti artist. We do not intend to show Kid33’s face, however the questions he answers to through out the scene will be used as a voice over. This will give the viewer a sense of ambiguity around Kid33 as a character who seemingly has a hobby of which can have a criminal background. Other shots of his artwork will be edited into the scene. The duration of this scene will be roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 3: The second scene will flow into the third carrying on the theme of graffiti often being known as a criminal offence. We will be focusing on the legal issues regarding graffiti, his opinions on graffiti as a whole and if he has had any previous encounters with the police regarding his artwork. This camera will be focusing on the mouth of the painting that he creates and other images of work he has done that relates to this topic. This scene should last for roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 4: The fourth scene will focus on areas in which he may have helped the community such as work shops etc. Keeping the theme of focusing on a specific part of the painting he created, we will edit in shots of the representation of his hands. Shots of his artwork that he may have produced in projects to help the community will be edited in through out the scene. This scene will last for roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 5: Scene five will be our overview in which we will show still images of Kid33 and his graffiti group Oxygen Thievez’s artwork in public areas. The camera will also cut to the image of his eyes in his artistic interpretation of himself. This section of the film will last for roughly 20 seconds.
Scene 6: This will be our final shot of his finished art work where his portrait is revealed to the viewer. We will attach a piece of cellophane to the camera lens for Kid33 to sign as the credit roll across the screen. This section will take roughly 15 seconds.
Our group finished discussing what we were planing to put in it and after the group meeting Chase and I started to write out the proposal.
Our group started to discuss the proposal and firstly looked at some similar documentarys, here are two that we found:
Atlas Graffiti documentary
FOX News L.A. Taggers
The first one on the Atlas Graffiti group kind of had the same feel to how we wanted ours to flow. It also showed graffiti artist going to extreme lenghts to put up their tags.
The second documentary wasnt very usefull as it was more about a gang that tagged things rather than a smaller graffiti group. We thought this one coulde have been usefull as it would have showed graffiti more as a crime.
We came up with a story board of how we wanted it to look which was as follows:
Scene 1: We are going to have shots of Kid33’s work fading from one to another with the title and production name showing. We will use a hip- hop song named “Hell on Earth” for the duration of the introduction as it will set the film off with the urban feel that we intend to portray. The total duration of the introduction will be roughly 15 seconds.
Scene 2: We will ask Kid33 to paint a picture of how he sees himself. It will not necessarily be a the conventional way in which someone might portray themselves, but his own abstract interpretation of what represents him as a person i.e. personality, experiences etc. Through out the film the camera will focus on various areas of the piece of art such as parts of the face or body to help convey the relevant message Kid33 is trying to get across. This scene will contain rough background of Kid33s life and how he began his life as a graffiti artist. We do not intend to show Kid33’s face, however the questions he answers to through out the scene will be used as a voice over. This will give the viewer a sense of ambiguity around Kid33 as a character who seemingly has a hobby of which can have a criminal background. Other shots of his artwork will be edited into the scene. The duration of this scene will be roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 3: The second scene will flow into the third carrying on the theme of graffiti often being known as a criminal offence. We will be focusing on the legal issues regarding graffiti, his opinions on graffiti as a whole and if he has had any previous encounters with the police regarding his artwork. This camera will be focusing on the mouth of the painting that he creates and other images of work he has done that relates to this topic. This scene should last for roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 4: The fourth scene will focus on areas in which he may have helped the community such as work shops etc. Keeping the theme of focusing on a specific part of the painting he created, we will edit in shots of the representation of his hands. Shots of his artwork that he may have produced in projects to help the community will be edited in through out the scene. This scene will last for roughly 45 seconds.
Scene 5: Scene five will be our overview in which we will show still images of Kid33 and his graffiti group Oxygen Thievez’s artwork in public areas. The camera will also cut to the image of his eyes in his artistic interpretation of himself. This section of the film will last for roughly 20 seconds.
Scene 6: This will be our final shot of his finished art work where his portrait is revealed to the viewer. We will attach a piece of cellophane to the camera lens for Kid33 to sign as the credit roll across the screen. This section will take roughly 15 seconds.
Our group finished discussing what we were planing to put in it and after the group meeting Chase and I started to write out the proposal.
Oxygen Theivz 5.11.2008
so we started outlining of what we could do with this as we thought this would be a much more interesting to a wider audience.
We came up with a working title very quickly of "Urban Art" and with the concept of whether or not graffiti is art or a crime. We chose to do it on this for a few reasons, firstly we all find graffiti interesting and also what's behind graffiti in the scence that you dont usually see them being done there is a blank wall one day and the next there can be something on it. So we think it would be interesting to find out the charachter behind this.
we then thought of some aspects we would like to look into such as:
- How he got into it
- How he got recognised
- Why they see it as an art
- Has he ever been caught
- What message he sends from his graffiti
The visual side of it we planned to start with short videos of people saying there opinion on a graffiti but not show or say what it is then show the graffiti and have the title fade into the picture. The following scene we would film the artist doing a graffiti onto a canvas but speed it up and have a VO from the artist speaking about his work and answering our questions. We would also fade in other pictures of art his done that correspond to what hes talking about.
For the target audience we thought of people that are to do with art such as art students and other artists
We came up with a working title very quickly of "Urban Art" and with the concept of whether or not graffiti is art or a crime. We chose to do it on this for a few reasons, firstly we all find graffiti interesting and also what's behind graffiti in the scence that you dont usually see them being done there is a blank wall one day and the next there can be something on it. So we think it would be interesting to find out the charachter behind this.
we then thought of some aspects we would like to look into such as:
- How he got into it
- How he got recognised
- Why they see it as an art
- Has he ever been caught
- What message he sends from his graffiti
The visual side of it we planned to start with short videos of people saying there opinion on a graffiti but not show or say what it is then show the graffiti and have the title fade into the picture. The following scene we would film the artist doing a graffiti onto a canvas but speed it up and have a VO from the artist speaking about his work and answering our questions. We would also fade in other pictures of art his done that correspond to what hes talking about.
For the target audience we thought of people that are to do with art such as art students and other artists
Group Meeting New Project 5.11.2008
In the morning we met up before our lecture and went to the YMCA and the police station to find if they knew anyone that we could use. The YMCA said that they couldnt help us at all, but the police gave us some names of institues and their phone numbers. We then went back to one of our groups houses and tried calling the numbers we had been given and searched the internet for other simmilar institutes that could help us find someone.
After a while we decided that we should think of a whole new project we came up with four ideas of who to do it on which were:
- A Community Support Officer
why: We thought of this as everyone sees them around town all the time but not many people know exactly what they do. You also hear alot of people saying they dont do much so to show their side of the story
- A Big Issue handout
why:Tell the story of people that are unheard, everyone knows who you mean when you talk about people selling the big issue but no one knows why they do it or what life style they have, and this is to show this.
- A Community Centre
why:To find some one that is helping the community in someway. This was to find someone that is helping the community and we would look for someone with an interesting background.
- A Prostitute Help Centre
why: Whilst browsing for drug rehabilitation programs we came across a prostitute help centre and thought of doing it on the founder of this organisation for a variety of reasons and we made a short outile:
what: Why the organisation was started and what it means to them?
where: at the POW institute in nottingham
Why: Around where we live in nottingham there are alot of prostitutes about at night and so we see them all the time. We also found it interesting as it is not trying to stop them do it it is mainly aiming on making it safer although they do also teach skills.
Target Audience: People that know prostitutes, for POW as a Promotion for their organisation and for school as educational purposes.
Half way through this we got a call, saying that we could do a the documentrary on a graffiti artist that is part of the "Oxygen Theivz" graffiti crew.
After a while we decided that we should think of a whole new project we came up with four ideas of who to do it on which were:
- A Community Support Officer
why: We thought of this as everyone sees them around town all the time but not many people know exactly what they do. You also hear alot of people saying they dont do much so to show their side of the story
- A Big Issue handout
why:Tell the story of people that are unheard, everyone knows who you mean when you talk about people selling the big issue but no one knows why they do it or what life style they have, and this is to show this.
- A Community Centre
why:To find some one that is helping the community in someway. This was to find someone that is helping the community and we would look for someone with an interesting background.
- A Prostitute Help Centre
why: Whilst browsing for drug rehabilitation programs we came across a prostitute help centre and thought of doing it on the founder of this organisation for a variety of reasons and we made a short outile:
what: Why the organisation was started and what it means to them?
where: at the POW institute in nottingham
Why: Around where we live in nottingham there are alot of prostitutes about at night and so we see them all the time. We also found it interesting as it is not trying to stop them do it it is mainly aiming on making it safer although they do also teach skills.
Target Audience: People that know prostitutes, for POW as a Promotion for their organisation and for school as educational purposes.
Half way through this we got a call, saying that we could do a the documentrary on a graffiti artist that is part of the "Oxygen Theivz" graffiti crew.
Group Meeting: pictures and who can we do it on? 4.11.2008
During the day me and chase went to take some photos of possible location of where to film, We walked around town looking for places we could shoot an interview, and also other photos that we could use in the project. Here are a few of the pictures we took:
In the evening our group then met up and we discussed who we could do the documentary on and where abouts we could go to find someone. We decided that we would go to the YMCA and the Police to ask if they knew any rehabilatated drug addicts that are doing talks to current addicts.
In the evening our group then met up and we discussed who we could do the documentary on and where abouts we could go to find someone. We decided that we would go to the YMCA and the Police to ask if they knew any rehabilatated drug addicts that are doing talks to current addicts.
Semminar and Group Meeting 3.11.2008
Between now and the 23rd we have been waiting for the guy we were planning on doing our documentary on to email back but as we hadnt heard from him we decided that we had to change our project. this is the outline of what we came up with for our new project:
- Change focus away from the personal asspect of addiction to the community
- Not a grime/urban feel anymore
- More uplifting/ light music
- To shoot it where the new person we choose works
what: A personal insight that shows you can still live your life afer addiction
where: Where the person works, around the YMCA possibly and his home
Why: To show a story of someone overcoming a devil to give hope and inspiration to people that struggle after or during addiction, and to help the community.
how: With using voice over from the person we use teaching or working, Film of him at his work place, photos of projects he is working on, a relaxed editing atmosphere.
music: light hearted uplifting; classical/ electronic/ instromental
Heart - sympathys with the audience, his passion for what he is doing, wants to use his own experience to help others. hits the audience with a heart warming story.
Mind - Informing people of rehabilitaion programs
- Change focus away from the personal asspect of addiction to the community
- Not a grime/urban feel anymore
- More uplifting/ light music
- To shoot it where the new person we choose works
what: A personal insight that shows you can still live your life afer addiction
where: Where the person works, around the YMCA possibly and his home
Why: To show a story of someone overcoming a devil to give hope and inspiration to people that struggle after or during addiction, and to help the community.
how: With using voice over from the person we use teaching or working, Film of him at his work place, photos of projects he is working on, a relaxed editing atmosphere.
music: light hearted uplifting; classical/ electronic/ instromental
Heart - sympathys with the audience, his passion for what he is doing, wants to use his own experience to help others. hits the audience with a heart warming story.
Mind - Informing people of rehabilitaion programs
Me My Mum and Heroin 23.10.2008
Today our group met up at my house and watched a documentary on channel 4 called Me My Mum and Heroin. This was about a girl and her boyfreind who were both addicted to heroin, the mum was also part of it who was just trying to help her daughter and the boyfreind out. (more to come)
I haven't writen on my blog for a while but i have kept a written journal of what we have done as a group and so i shall say what we did and when in the following posts.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Video Journalism Workshop 29.10.08
A Video journalist came from the bbc to talk to us. I found this quite usefull from the camera techniques that he was telling us.
This first thing i learnt about was what the minimum shots should be used within one sequence, these were a close up of the hands so you can see what they are doing, a close up of the face so that you are able to identify who it is, a wide shot to give the audience a idea of where the person you are filming is, a shot over the shoulder so you can see as the subject sees and the final shot is a creative shot to make it a bit more interesting.
The second bit of valuable information i got out of this workshop were 4 tips on our documentarys. These were that you must hit the audiences Mind in the sence of teaching them something new, secondly the Heart by making the viewers feel for what you are filming and touch them, thirdly money because when you bring money into it for instance the credit crunch it will get alot of people interested and finlly it was a technique of keeping all the eyes together, being the eyes of the people and the eye of the camera (although this is for interviews)
This first thing i learnt about was what the minimum shots should be used within one sequence, these were a close up of the hands so you can see what they are doing, a close up of the face so that you are able to identify who it is, a wide shot to give the audience a idea of where the person you are filming is, a shot over the shoulder so you can see as the subject sees and the final shot is a creative shot to make it a bit more interesting.
The second bit of valuable information i got out of this workshop were 4 tips on our documentarys. These were that you must hit the audiences Mind in the sence of teaching them something new, secondly the Heart by making the viewers feel for what you are filming and touch them, thirdly money because when you bring money into it for instance the credit crunch it will get alot of people interested and finlly it was a technique of keeping all the eyes together, being the eyes of the people and the eye of the camera (although this is for interviews)
Thursday, 30 October 2008
SPP Journal Task 2 - Creative Opportunity
Our second journal task is: Using your own personal exp. write a few lines that describe how a personal contact has provided a creative opportunity for you.
A personal exp. that I have had that has given me a creative opportunity was during the start of my gap year. After about a month and a half of looking for a job, including going to the job centre, handing out cvs, looking in papers and online, a group of chefs i had met recently in my local pub said they had a vaccancy as a kitchen porter. This basically involved washing the pots and doing what ever the chefs asked. I took the job and started right away. This is not that big of a creative opportuity, but after doing this job for a while and having drunk some more in the pub, I expressed my interest for cooking and they then asked if I would like to have a bit of training to be a chef. This resulted in me working for a little bit as a chef. This is something I had always wanted to do, as I have been into cooking since I was quite young.
A personal exp. that I have had that has given me a creative opportunity was during the start of my gap year. After about a month and a half of looking for a job, including going to the job centre, handing out cvs, looking in papers and online, a group of chefs i had met recently in my local pub said they had a vaccancy as a kitchen porter. This basically involved washing the pots and doing what ever the chefs asked. I took the job and started right away. This is not that big of a creative opportuity, but after doing this job for a while and having drunk some more in the pub, I expressed my interest for cooking and they then asked if I would like to have a bit of training to be a chef. This resulted in me working for a little bit as a chef. This is something I had always wanted to do, as I have been into cooking since I was quite young.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
The beggining
I was given a project to create a 4 min long character study in a group of 4 to 5.
im now in a group and we have come up between us to do it on, an interview with a recoverd heroin addict on the insight into the persoanl side of addiction. This afternoon our group met up at my house for a couple of hours and sat down and came up with a more specific plan. We choose this to raise awareness in a more realistic manner, as a personal review of some dark times will be more interesting and hit people harder than usual documentaries on drugs or what people usually see in schools. we are planning on filming the start of it around nottingham city, with a urban sounding sound track to show the darker side of addiction and to complement the culture and plan on having the lighting darker so the audience can feel the places of where he may have been. We also plan on having pictures of differnt places around town whilst having the interview over the top of stories about how it started, who he would do it with and where abouts he would do it. We then plan to film the latter part in a lighter setting whilst the recovered heroin addict tells us about how he became clean and how life is now compared to back then. The music we put to it during this part will be more light hearted also.
We have looked at a few documentories and videos off Current.com about similar themed videos. We found a video on Londons drug culture which can be seen at this site:
and have decided we want to do a simillar style as they have done in there viedo.
im now in a group and we have come up between us to do it on, an interview with a recoverd heroin addict on the insight into the persoanl side of addiction. This afternoon our group met up at my house for a couple of hours and sat down and came up with a more specific plan. We choose this to raise awareness in a more realistic manner, as a personal review of some dark times will be more interesting and hit people harder than usual documentaries on drugs or what people usually see in schools. we are planning on filming the start of it around nottingham city, with a urban sounding sound track to show the darker side of addiction and to complement the culture and plan on having the lighting darker so the audience can feel the places of where he may have been. We also plan on having pictures of differnt places around town whilst having the interview over the top of stories about how it started, who he would do it with and where abouts he would do it. We then plan to film the latter part in a lighter setting whilst the recovered heroin addict tells us about how he became clean and how life is now compared to back then. The music we put to it during this part will be more light hearted also.
We have looked at a few documentories and videos off Current.com about similar themed videos. We found a video on Londons drug culture which can be seen at this site:
and have decided we want to do a simillar style as they have done in there viedo.
4 min film,
character study,
Friday, 30 May 2008
My symbol and final Box
Here is my Logo i made it by originally having my initals in a circle then just playing around i changed it to windings and i ended up rather liking it:
For my final box i made small items as representatives of the 5 items as buttons to go to the actual items and it looked like this:
Final Ideas for things going into the box
i had some problems uploading the turntables on my previous post so i am trying to reload them on a post of their own and shall do the same with the final item. my final ideas for what was going in the box are that i changed the colour of the desk the turntables were on as it did not show up in the rendered version and i animated it and put some music to it: (the following two are unregestered because i havent got the registration codes for the program yes as i had to change the size to get them onto blogger)
I changed the idea of having the carrot being choped up into making a short pixilation film of a chicken salad as follows:
I kept the same idea for the snowboard but made it into a short animation:
I didnt end up changing the avatar so it is the same as in the previous post and for the last item the picture from Tanzania, i made a frame for it so it had something to be in. which lookoed like:
I changed the idea of having the carrot being choped up into making a short pixilation film of a chicken salad as follows:
I kept the same idea for the snowboard but made it into a short animation:
I didnt end up changing the avatar so it is the same as in the previous post and for the last item the picture from Tanzania, i made a frame for it so it had something to be in. which lookoed like:

orginal ideas for items going in my box
Here are the first ideas of what i was going to put in my box:

This is a carrot being cut up

The turntables are then going to move
This is a carrot being cut up
This is my attempt on making a snowboard. I then plan to make it spin around on the X axis.

This is my avitar from our previous project. and my final item ive put into my box is a picture i took from when i was working in Tanzania of a Massai tribe's child and his cattle and the vast African plains this is to show my tranquility. Anyway here it is:
First Ideas for Interactive box
My first idea for my interactive box was to make the box a rugby ball that then opens but after making it i decided that this wasnt a very good idea and didnt look very good as you can see:

i then thought about making just a kitchen cuboard as the box due to the fact i am a keen cook and worked in a kitchen for some time during my gap year.

i then thought about making just a kitchen cuboard as the box due to the fact i am a keen cook and worked in a kitchen for some time during my gap year.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Switzerland - Zermatt continued
And here is my brother snowboarding with me filming it as i snowboard behind him, i found it very hard to keep the camera sturdy as you will see! hehe
Switzerland - Zermatt cont
whilst we were there me and my brother also got a bit of filming done of each other:
me falling over....
take 2:
i made it this time :-)Switzerland - Zermatt
As i spoke about before going snowboarding in Zermatt a peacefull town where there are no fuel cars, only a few electric ones and carradge and hourses. It is sittuated just below one of the most famous mountains in the world the Matterhorn at a gastly 4478 metres (14,692 ft). If you are reading this and thinking you have never heard of it then ill ask a question, have you ever eaten a toblerone bar? as this has the picture of the Matterhorn on it and it is also shaped around the Matterhorn. When it was first climbed in 1865 (by an englishman!) 4 out of the 7 people that got to the top died on the decent...well anyway i went snowboarding here in easter again and thought you all might wana see some pictures so here they are:
This is me going off piest
and this is the world known Matterhorn from a restaurant up a piest
My FInal Avatar
I made the kitchen and added a few things into it to show my personality a bit better for instance a clock to show my time managment skills and a picture of a snowboarder to show again my adrenaline side. here is the final thing....enjoy:
My Avatar - Deciding the idea
I decided against the idea of having my enviroment in the mountains as i wasnt all too sure how i would go about making it. I had two ideas now of what i may use, either a kitchen as i have been very keen on cooking all my life and this show my creative side or a rugby pitch as i am very keen on rugby. i ended up going with the idea of a kitchen as i thought i could be more creative with this.
My Avatar - first idea
When i was thinking of what to originally do i wasnt sure if i should try to create a person as my avitar or use an object to represent myself. The very first idea i did on photo shop which looked like this:
i choose this idea because firstly i snowboard am a bit of an adrenaline junkie so thought i should put a snowboard somewhere. i put droopy in because my nickname from alot of my freinds is droops and thought it would fit. and finally the idea of the mountains comes from when i was living in switzerland and this mountain is the Matterhorn which is one of the famious mountains above the town of zermatt where i go snowbaording quite often.

Second Life
When starting on the second life i was quite held back on the whole idea of it as i was sure most the people that use it are just looking to find get a relationship. I decided to use the site V-Side for this and there were not all too many options of how to create the Avitar but even so it ended up looking surprisingly similar to me here is a picture of me at the spawn location:

After using V-Side for a couple of weeks i had learnt that people were coming on it for more than just looking for relationships but also just to chat when they were board at home or just to make new freinds. I still thought it was a little bit boring though and that people using probably had not much else to do or didnt go out much. Although i was amazed by the amount of people that do actually use it. here is a picture from a club full of people dancing:

Left a bit late...
As i have not written on here for so long it ended up getting harder and harder to remember what exactly i have done. i have realised it was bad to get soo far behind on it but shall now try and review all the things i have got done. so here we go...
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Interactive narratives stage three
i finished the project but i still hadnt managed to put music onto it so this was a bit disapointing but i was reasonably happy with the outcome of my project.
Interactive narratives stage two
I started using flash to create my interactive narrative. i had used flash before for a project in school a couple of years back so i knew how to use it a little bit. The first problem i encountered was that when i was rendering the work certain parts of the text on differnt screens couldn't all be seen. i found out this was a problem with the text options which i managed to fix. I also had a problem with the buttons because i was trying to create a third button and then when i tried to render it, it would just play through the entire thing with out stopping and waiting for the buttons to be pressed. To fix this problem i ended up deleteing the buttons and retrying it and a few attempts later this was working.
Interactive narratives stage one
For this project we must create a peice of work that some one can interact with and change the outcome what happens in the narrative. I started of by deciding what my narrative was going to be about and i came up with the idea of using traveling and to give the person going through it a choice of places they would go on holidays.
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